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Gcmem's Shop

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If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.




If you believe you can't you are right, but YOU CAN if YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN. All students have the ability to learn if they are engaged.
Brain Warmers (more)

Brain Warmers (more)

A few more 'brain warmers' to use as an engagement activity at the beginning of the lesson or as a quick 'commercial break' mid lesson. They serve as a great engagement activity and are also a great class room behaviour management tool (engaged students are focused and well behaved).
Brain Warmers

Brain Warmers

A couple more "brain warmers" to use as a quick pre-lesson engagement and brain warm up activity or a quick study break. These work a treat in getting disengaged students listen and work well as a classroom management tool..very worthwhile in using a few minutes of each lesson for these in my experience as the rest of the lesson goes much more smoothly and learning time is more effective.
Brainstarters no. 3

Brainstarters no. 3

More of these quick mental warm ups. Ideal for a quick activity at the beginning of a lesson or as a quick mid-lesson break to engage students and get them thinking. I have found these work a treat for my classes and prevent a lot of discipline problems. For example my Yr 10 class have gone from difficult to engage and a lot of work to manage to a fantastic class by using these at the beginning of each lesson- they love it! Those relating to ads and songs will fall 'out of date' after a few months so I hope that my sharing sees them put to good use before they expire.
Brainstarters (more)

Brainstarters (more)

More brain starters to warm up student thinking and engage them in the lesson. They can also be used as a quick study break.
brain starters

brain starters

Quick brain starter quizzes to engage students and warm up their brains at the beginning of a lesson. Who am I? What am I? image reveal (sorry if some of the animation does not work so well).
2013 Christmas Quiz

2013 Christmas Quiz

Adapted to the Australian context and updated to 2013 from a 2012 English context quiz created by TES Australia ( titled "My Christmas Quiz"). Credits and acknowledgements to TES (and I hope that this is okay as I thought it was a great idea, but many of the questions were irrelevant to Australia and outdated).My adaptations took a bit of time, so I thought I'd share the outcome of these changes with others. I have also added answer sheets at the end- might work best in groups and the answer sheets added so that students don't call out answers.
Islam- History, Beliefs, Legacies and Culture

Islam- History, Beliefs, Legacies and Culture

Explores Muslim religion and aspects of Islamic culture to debunk the myths. Explore the legacies of Islamic culture and the rights and some of the freedoms within the cultures of Islam. The aim of this information is to develop tolerance and understanding and respect for diversity.